Common Misconceptions About Orthodontics

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Orthodontic treatment with clear aligners

The specialty of orthodontics in dentistry is the correction of abnormalities in the jaw and teeth. Unfortunately, lots of people have misconceptions about orthodontics that keep them from getting the care they require. In this blog post, we will examine and debunk a few of the most widespread myths around orthodontics.

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Myth 1: Only Kids and Teenagers Should Have Orthodontic Treatment

FACT: Anyone can have an orthodontic treatment.

One of the most widespread myths regarding orthodontics is the belief that it is only appropriate for kids and teens. In actuality, adults of all ages can benefit from orthodontic treatment. When it comes to discreet and pleasant orthodontic treatment choices like ceramic braces and clear aligners, more adults than ever before are seeking orthodontic treatment.

Myth 2: It Hurts to Wear Braces

FACT: Orthodontics has come a long way.

Modern braces and aligners are made to reduce pain and discomfort, even if orthodontic treatment can initially cause some. The comfort of patients receiving orthodontic treatment has been greatly enhanced by technological advancements including heat-activated wires and self-ligating braces.

Myth 3: Every orthodontic procedure lasts for several years

FACT: The duration of treatment varies.

The length of orthodontic treatment is determined by the individual treatment plan and the case's intricacy. Certain treatments could take up to six months to be completed, while others might take up to several years. For patients with less severe malocclusions, clear aligners and temporary orthodontic procedures can yield faster outcomes.

Myth 4: Braces Are Only for the Looks

FACT: Dental orthodontics enhance oral health

Although orthodontic treatments, such as braces, can greatly improve the appearance of your smile, their advantages go beyond appearance. Numerous dental health disorders, including malocclusion, crowding, and bite problems, are addressed by orthodontic treatments. Through the correction of these problems, orthodontics can enhance oral health generally and help avoid gum disease, tooth decay, and abnormal tooth wear.

Myth 5: Wearing Braces Won't Allow You to Play Sports

FACT: Braces do not prevent you from participating in any sports

Many people think that having braces makes it impossible for them to play sports or engage in other active activities. This is just untrue. You can still play sports while receiving orthodontic treatment. However, you must take safety measures to preserve your teeth and orthodontic appliances.

Myth 6: Speech Issues are Caused by Orthodontic Treatment

FACT: Speech issues are typically temporary.

When receiving orthodontic treatment, some individuals may have brief speech difficulties; however, these problems usually go away as the patient becomes used to wearing braces or aligners. Speech issues are typically mild and can be resolved with time and effort.

To know more about common misconceptions about orthodontics contact us at +351 300 600 820

In the end, your smile is a very valuable asset. Consider the orthodontic procedure an investment in your ideal smile!


1. What are some widespread myths concerning orthodontics?

Myths include ideas concerning treatment duration, age restrictions, and discomfort.

2. Does receiving orthodontic treatment always require wearing braces?

No, there are other choices available, such as clear aligners for a more covert smile transformation.

3. Does receiving orthodontic treatment hurt?

Discomfort may occur initially but it's usually tolerable and transient.